Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Witch

    I can still recall the tingling sensation that washed over me as I stepped out of the door, making my way to work this morning. The sudden rush of wind and the biting cold hit my face unexpectedly. Thankfully, I had my sweater on; I shudder to think how it would have felt without it.…

  • Advice from my favourite quotes: 1

    Ola, I’m back again with my write-ups and two cents 😌! (I hope to be consistent with this 🤞🏽) So I recently read this quote in a book (Maybe You Should Talk To Someone) and I decided to create a design and make a post about it because why not🙃? My two cents:Sometimes, we find…

  • A Piece On Self Love and Acceptance (circa’ 2015) – with some tweaking 🙈

    Do you agree with me that life is made up of nothing but sheer simplicity? The constant competition and race, struggling to fit in are not necessary. You can be whatever you want to be, but the most important solution is to believe in yourself. That’s the thing about belief, whatever you believe is what…


    Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed and can’t seem to get a break from your mind? Yeah, me too. The mind is very powerful. Sometimes, all it takes is a single thought for everything to go south. This is why I have been learning to consciously control my thoughts. For me, I like to be intentional…

  • My Anxiety.

    Beating heart and a crushing windpipe. The slightest change makes me weak. My expectations are closing in on me. I’m running out of oxygen, I need air I can’t breathe. Swirling in the bowl of my mind, all my fears come to play. In and out without any permission; I sit in the corner and…

  • PSA: ”Accept Yourself.”

    Accepting yourself and being completely honest with who you are is hands down one of the hardest things we have to deal with as humans in my opinion. I mean, it’s bad enough that we have to deal with our flaws, weaknesses, and insecurities, we also have to deal with criticisms from others. Usually better…

  • Quick Advice to Whom It May Concern.

    Sometimes we feel a little too safe and comfortable with certain things in our lives and we forget to dream. We forget sometimes that our dreams are what keep us going and other times we can actually make our dreams come true when we work towards them and not just have them. There would be…

  • Future Calls.

    Tap! Tap! Tap! The future knocks, what do you have in store? Are you ready for the next wind of change or do you still seek answers? I do not have time to wait or control of what goes on next.. I only do my best as long as do and maybe if the universe…

  • Conversations With My Favorite Humans: Spiritual and Personal Growth with my Sister.

    I like to call my sister the love of my life, she’s smart, kind, loving and patient but like any other sibling, she annoys the hell out of me. I still love her though. She’s my go-to person to talk about almost everything, she usually has the right words, is brutally honest, gives great advice…

  • My Life Philosophy.

    I like to think of my life philosophies as my foundation for purposeful living. They are driving forces and things I stand for, they provide me with the right questions to ask when life happens and serve as a guide on living. My philosophies play a major role in my life. One of my life’s…

Got any book recommendations?