Conversations With My Favorite Humans: Spiritual and Personal Growth with my Sister.

I like to call my sister the love of my life, she’s smart, kind, loving and patient but like any other sibling, she annoys the hell out of me. I still love her though.

She’s my go-to person to talk about almost everything, she usually has the right words, is brutally honest, gives great advice and most importantly she encourages my spiritual growth. She’s a firm believer of God and growth. She likes to see you win and grow no matter how little, as long as you keep trying and are always willing to improve yourself.

I asked her the other day to give some advice on her view of personal and spiritual growth, here’s a summary on her point of view:

Her words…..

“Honestly I can’t differentiate between the two, my personal growth is intertwined with my spiritual growth. I got to experience growth early and I am grateful to all those who God used to help me realize who I really am and what I want to be.”

Mummy helped me realize that anything is possible and once you go in with confidence then you can achieve anything, and she made me realize that in life it is always God first.

Uncle B taught me toughness and helped me understand that in life you need to work hard and never give up and most importantly nobody owes me anything. I, am responsible for myself and knowing this was very essential for personal growth. Gabriel (our big brother) taught me consistency and tenacity pays off, my pastor helped me grow spiritually and you; my little-big sis have helped me grow too (yes! I made it to part personal growth inspiration💃🏽).

To me, life is spiritual and sometimes people don’t usually understand this but there are times you experience certain things that make you grow in ways that can’t really be explained. I believe in God and the presence of the Holy Spirit and I’m aware that He lives in me; that means He talks and acts through me. I used to be impatient and kinda arrogant because I felt misunderstood but I began to notice that as I grew spiritually I was able to grow personally. I began to let the person (Holy Spirit) inside me take over my outward behaviors and the more I did this, I began to see changes and improvements in all aspects of my life.

To grow spiritually, you have to understand that our lives are built by what we say, words are powerful. I encourage whoever is reading this to cultivate a daily habit of making positive and spiritual confessions (it is a necessary ingredient for spiritual growth). Study the word of God (Bible), pray fervently and then when these words are in you, speak them. The Holy Spirit will direct you always and you need to listen. Most of the things I have learnt that has helped me handle life is through the word of God, by listening and acting on it.

Finally, LOVE is very important in both personal and spiritual growth. When you have love, you have everything because then you can help people, see beyond their flaws and see perfection in them just as God intended.

Thanks for reading

Love Mayree 💕





4 responses to “Conversations With My Favorite Humans: Spiritual and Personal Growth with my Sister.”

  1. Oyinoza Avatar

    Nicely written

    Liked by 1 person

    1. therunaway01 Avatar

      Thank you😁


  2. Phronesis Avatar

    Lovely! 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. therunaway01 Avatar

      Thank you💕


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